Friday, August 6, 2010

Our First and Favorite Red-headed Granny!!!

Granny Lorraine is an absolute delight.  She is extremely kind, gracious, and funny.  She was thrilled to receive her surprise flowers today, especially the flowers matched perfectly with her outfit.  Throughout our visit, Lorraine taught us all sorts of things like that redheads should never wear red, you should always keep your nails done, and above all, she reminded us how to smile.

Granny Lorraine taught us that the reason she can still smile is because she spent her life serving others.  She served as a nurse at the American Fork Hospital and at a care center for the disabled in Pleasant Grove.  Lorraine continues to receive visits from the grateful parents of some of the disabled youth she cared for.
Lorraine loves her daughter, her best friend Don, and her cats.  Before moving into her current care center, Lorraine cared for up to 15 cats, of which only three were her own.

Granny Lorraine smiled today!!! Please share this with your friends to help us bring more smiles to more of our favorite Grannies!


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